
February 28, 2014

"Film Night With The Two Pauls" Premieres on YouTube!

Paul Jensen and I talk this year's Best Picture nominees on Film Night with the Two Pauls over a bottle or two (or three) of Cabernet Franc.

See video and "The Story Behind The Two Pauls" below.

Big thanks to the brilliant minds at Popkin Media!

The Story Behind The Two Pauls
by Paul Donnett

When Vancouver Film School grad and savvy entrepreneur Nick Carey approached film Jedi Paul Jensen about doing a Siskel and Ebert-style web series featuring reviews of films past and present, the man with the exhaustive Star Wars action figure collection literally hidden in his bedroom closet jumped at the opportunity. Bonus: Each episode would feature a bottle of wine, specially paired with the movie in question.

But who would sit in the other chair, they wondered? Who could match wits with Sir Jensen's freakishly encyclopedic mind and show each film its due reverence, whilst remaining j-u-u-u-st sober and coherent enough to bring each episode to a thrilling climax?

The choice was obvious. After all, if there's anyone who knows about thrilling climaxes, it's this guy. Paul and I had actually talked about forging such a venture a year and a half earlier and now, thanks to the fine people at Popkin Media, the two Pauls were about to get their wish! My only condition: one bottle of wine simply wasn't enough.

So Paul, producer Nick Carey, and I met over drinks on Tuesday. Followed by more drinks with Popkin partners Patrick Do and Ben Gaumond on Friday. Followed by an all-day Saturday shoot that took The Two Pauls from concept to production in under a week. Never in my experience has a project come together so quickly, so seamlessly, and with such an enjoyable group of highly competent, over-caffeinated egomaniacs!

Subscribe to Popkin Media to catch future episodes of Film Night With The Two Pauls

February 5, 2014

An Evening with Toby Jones @ The Vancity Theatre

British actor Toby Jones is in Vancouver, among other things guest hosting a special screening last night of Hal Ashby's classic, The Last Detailstarring Jack Nicholson - a film he picked personally for the evening followed by an engaging group Q & A.

Jones played Truman Capote in 2006's Infamous and has been prolific in dozens of films, including Frost/NixonTinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and the Harry PotterHunger Games, and Captain America franchises.

A great time was had by all!

Vancity Theatre hosts "Cinema Salon" once every month, inviting a different industry professional to pick and speak on a film of their choice. (Refreshments served.)

Visit the VIFF/Vancity Theatre website for info on this and other upcoming events!

"Him" & "Her" Review 100 Top Films of All Time

When couples go looking for some high-quality "us" time, a big project they can do together (heck, maybe even fall in love all over again), some choose to plant a garden, take a world tour, or build a house.

Not us. No-sir-ee, those would be easy!

"I have a great idea," my wife Melissa said to me one chilly night at the end of 2013. "Let's watch the 100 most important movies ever made and start a blog where we post our reviews!"

Pausing to reflect, I re-positioned myself on the couch, retrieving a stray BBQ potato chip from my belly before it got away.

"What. Tonight?"

And that's how it all began. Fast-forward a month and here we are, launching what The Hollywood Reporter isn't calling one of 2014's boldest, bravest, most ambitious undertakings to-date: Him, Her, and Hollywood - one couple's journey through some of the most significant films in cinema history!

"It can be our big project for the year," she continued, as if needing to convince me. "You can do the 'film nerd' review and I'll do the 'normal person' review!"

I weighed her labels quizzically, then nodded in consent.

"Okay," I said. "But just remember, this was your idea."

Check out our reviews @